(For the session starting 2025)
Form No. : IIP/SLG/2025/3401396708
Fullname *
Gender *
Male Female Other
Email *
Mobile *
Alternate No.
Date of Birth *
Permanent Address *
City *
State *
Country *
Course *
Scholarship Category Applied For *

Have you availed any scholarship benefits in IIP*



1. This scholarship program is not to be treated as any discount/offers/sale.
2. This scholarship program is given only to the selected students based on above mentioned categories.
3. This scholarship program can not be challenged in any capacity/court/compared.
4. Details of scholarship offered/obtained should not be discussed in any form with fellow students in any circumstance.The same will be withdrawn in case of failing to comply with it.
5. Minimum attendance required to avail this scholarship in 70% ,or you will receive a "A" grade in the finals in the last attempted examination.
6. The amount offered as scholarship should be earned by IIP by means of doing work/intern/similar/share/SMO design study period, via golden points.
7. No parallel offer can be given along with this scholarship as study tour,internship(Paid),Paid workshops etc.
8. This scholarship can be withdrawn in case the selected student is found guilty of any misconduct,misbehavior or irregularity.
9. Project has to be completed within a given time frame.
10. Important: This scholarship is given with a definite purpose, to make a project, documentation, research purpose. The same shall be made and submitted to the approval authority within a given time frame.

Note: *The synopsis is a brief outline about 2-4 pages or upto 1000 words of your project. It is mandatory to submit to apply for the scholarship. Else the scholarship would not be granted.
Fullname *
Gender *
Male Female Other Email *
Mobile *
Alternate No.
Date of Birth *
Permanent Address *
City *
State *
Country *
Course *

Have you availed any scholarship benefits in IIP*

Yes No


1. This scholarship program is not to be treated as any discount/offers/sale.
2. This scholarship program is given only to the selected students based on above mentioned categories.
3. This scholarship program can not be challenged in any capacity/court/compared.
4. Details of scholarship offered/obtained should not be discussed in any form with fellow students in any circumstance.The same will be withdrawn in case of failing to comply with it.
5. Minimum attendance required to avail this scholarship in 70% ,or you will receive a "A" grade in the finals in the last attempted examination.
6. The amount offered as scholarship should be earned by IIP by means of doing work/intern/similar/share/SMO design study period, via golden points.
7. No parallel offer can be given along with this scholarship as study tour,internship(Paid),Paid workshops etc.
8. This scholarship can be withdrawn in case the selected student is found guilty of any misconduct,misbehavior or irregularity.
9. Project has to be completed within a given time frame.
10. Important: This scholarship is given with a definite purpose, to make a project, documentation, research purpose. The same shall be made and submitted to the approval authority within a given time frame.

Note: *The synopsis is a brief outline about 2-4 pages or upto 1000 words of your project. It is mandatory to submit to apply for the scholarship. Else the scholarship would not be granted.