Unleash your inner filmmaker! Join 16 select students under the guidance of legendary Director N. Chandra. Enroll now for a transformative film-making experience!

Wed, 10 May 2023

Unleash your inner filmmaker! 
Join 16 select students under the guidance of legendary Director N. Chandra.
Enroll now for a transformative film-making experience!

Welcome to our revered Gurukul of Filmmaking, where the age-old tradition of Guru Shishya Parampara thrives. Here, we proudly present an exclusive opportunity to learn from the legendary N. Chandra, the maestro behind numerous blockbuster films. In this intimate setting, we believe in the power of personalized education, which is why we limit our class size to just 16 students. By doing so, we ensure that each student receives the undivided attention, guidance, and wisdom of the master himself. Under N. Chandra's tutelage, you'll discover the secrets of storytelling, the art of capturing emotions on celluloid, and the nuances of creating unforgettable cinematic experiences. Immerse yourself in the Guru Shishya Parampara, a sacred bond where knowledge and inspiration flow seamlessly from the guru to the disciple. Join us on this extraordinary journey, where dreams take shape, creativity finds its voice, and passion for filmmaking is ignited. Unleash your potential and awaken the filmmaker within you at our esteemed Gurukul of Filmmaking, guided by none other than the visionary N. Chandra. Become Enroll now to secure your place in this transformative cinematic expedition.

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