I felt like a Majician By -IIPian Shagun Chauhan | DDPC 2024

Mon, 20 May 2024

I felt like a Majician By -IIPian Shagun Chauhan | DDPC 2024

Since the day i got familias with the concept of photoshaphy, being in a ena of digitaliza on I always thought Photography is Combination of physics and art but Just a few days ago i realised it is not just a combination but an amalgamation of Chemistry, physics, art, passion and Plethora of emotions photography is way beyond what I have thought and what people think it is. Touch is most prominent Sensory in us humans, it Connects us emotionally to what we touch and feel, it is the touch only which Creates an invincible bond between a mother and a newborn for the lifetime, i felt that same love, bond and emotions after Oun analogue photography where I got a Chance to feel and the photo and Cacate and image Rathen just taking it.

It is the nature's rule that we can neven disconnect to the things we have created, from Clicking a picture the perfect & frameb and time, the perfect moment in limited resources to developing the film with utmost precision and discipline to Scanning and enlarging to develop a photo this was all Sheen Chemistry and passion. while developing the picture I camessed my hand and slowly the image appears and I truly FELT LIKE A MAGICIAN. Seeing a picture being (neated by stroking my hands on a paper was Euphonic. Something that I have nod and I can never feelina digital ena, and that too kanning the Whole process and Concept from a Veteran like Jagdish yadav Sir those body of Work Speaks volumes.

He not just fold Us about the intricacy of Analogue photography but also gave Shaned his life experiences and a piece of advice which will be Carved in my mind for life as an artist is the 'A TRUE ART WILL NEVER DESTROY HIS CREATIVITY' he enovoked the sense of artistic Value and ethics as a photographer, the perfect Utilisation of timing and resources these five days were like a masterclass itself. It has encouraged the artist in me who has I always thought of doing something different. I think analogue photography has given me a path..